Oreshura episode 1 hd
Oreshura episode 1 hd

oreshura episode 1 hd

It's just a quick, fun way to spend some time. Overall, this anime is one of the neatest of its type and is a fun show for anyone who doesn't hate Harem with their life (9). I'd recommend it to anyone who's just finished watching Corpse Party or something. This was a short and entertaining anime with the least offense I've seen an anime of its genre pull off. The enjoyment is over 9000 for me (even though I'm limited to putting a 10).

Oreshura episode 1 hd plus#

No two characters are alike, which is another plus point in harems. Most of the other characters are based on regular harem archetypes, but what makes them different is how funny, embarrassing and nice they all seem to be to each other. And his chuunibyo makes him pretty hilarious too.

oreshura episode 1 hd

Yes, his doesn't live with his parents, but there's a story as to why things are like that. There is no wacko friend, but instead a super sweet trap/friend. He's just a nice guy who isn't overly anything and isn't annoying in the slightest. This MC is neither almost non-existent nor is he super fancy.

oreshura episode 1 hd

If the leader was more interesting than the members he would seem like a member himself. The essence of a harem anime are the harem members, not the leader himself. I could go on and on but that isn't the point I was trying to make, which is that the main character is actually likable. You would expect (or I expected) the main character to be an ordinary, plain and boring person who can't make any decisions by himself, has the school idol at his feet every day but still refuses to notice her, who's parents are either dead or somewhere abroad, a non-blood related sister who would happen to have a crush on him, a perverted,wacko best friend who makes the MC look mature and reliable, when he himself has a porn mag stashed somewhere, etc. For a generic harem, you can't expect too much out of the characters. The characters got me pleasantly surprised (8). The BGM suited the comedic moments really well too. Of course it wasn't brilliant or outstanding, but it was fun and very well done -lol-, and the opening and ending were really cute, or rather, attractive. The sound/music suited the art and story perfectly (8).

oreshura episode 1 hd

There should be more anime with this type of art, and I think it would go well with a lot of romance anime. The light colors gave off a watercolor like feel to it and it went well with the character design which together made it really cute, or rather, attractive. The art suited the lighthearted tone really well (8). Oh, but it could also be because the protagonist ACTUALLY chooses someone in the end. To me this is what basically sets the anime apart from the others of the same genre. The different thing about this is the super lighthearted tone. It's pretty much about a childhood friend trying to get the protagonist back to her from his kind-of-evil girlfriend, while more harem members join theĬrew along the way. It wasn't special but it wasn't boring either. The reason is probably because as plain as it is, it does what it's supposed to do pretty well. Yet it's really likable and you can't find many reasons to hate it. It has nothing special about it and it doesn't stand out much at all.

Oreshura episode 1 hd